Local July 14, 2016 | 3:41 pm

Fifth straight year: World Finance taps Popular best Dominican bank

Santo Domingo.- London-based financial magazine WorldFinance selected Banco Popular Dominicano as Dominican Republic’s best bankinggroup for a fifth consecutive year.

In its latest edition, the magazine highlights how thePopular since start of operations more than 52 years ago, continues to lead thecountry’s financial services, "a tradition that plans to maintain throughdigital innovation" and that concretized in proposals of impact, such asthe democratization of financial services through mobile solutions and digitalbanking.

To bestow the recognition, World Finance has assessed theperformance of the best banks and this year in particular, those organizationsthat have distinguished themselves by having good corporate practices and modelgovernance, which have contributed to sustainability of the global financialsystem, on track to maintain leadership in the various issues that have arisenafter the global financial crisis.

In its 2016 edition, the magazine has established six awardcategories: best banking group, best private bank, best investment bank, bestcommercial, or retail bank or best individual bank and best sustainable bank.

For his part, Grupo Popular president and Banco PopularDominicano CEO Manuel A. Grullon thanked World Finance magazine for its newsurvey, noting that it’s evidence of "Popular’s leadership in thetransformation process towards digital banking and commitment to continue tomaintain high levels of innovation and efficiency to further enhance theexperience of our customers."

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