Economy December 5, 2016 | 12:26 pm

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Environment makes it easier to build in urban areas

SantoDomingo.- It will soon be easier for Dominican Republic builders in urban areas,said the Environment Ministry, which will streamline its EnvironmentalAssessment Regulation Process, to reduce the time it takes to issue environmentalauthorizations.

Environmentminister Francisco Domínguez said Resolution15-2016 aims reduce to less than one week paperwork that usually took months. "Themeasure seeks to streamline the processes and make the formalities required forthe construction sector more viable in order to carry out their work."

Themeasure includes an "express route" for certain construction requests,to rebuild or expand housing projects, schools, offices, non-industrial andland occupancy at ground level housing units.

TheResolution notes however that the projects "cannot carried out inenvironmentally fragile areas, and that for the operation of the project, it isfeasible to connect to existing systems or built by the project for potablewater, sanitary sewerage services and solid waste collection."

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