Local August 21, 2014 | 8:20 am

Pistol planting prosecutor resigns

Santo Domingo.- Ocoa prosecutor JoséMiguel Cuevas presented his formal resignation to the Attorney General’s Officeyesterday, after an investigation was opened into an incident in which heallegedly planted a pistol under a mattress in the home of suspected drugtrafficker Erín Manuel Andújar (Peña). The alleged act was recorded on videoand is posted online.

Cuevas delivered his resignationletter to a representative of the entity’sInspection Department at the Ocoa prosecutor’s office.

Cuevas, who also allegedly appears inanother video filmed in 2012 in which a police patrol executes two people, willnow be subject to an arrest warrant in the Ocoa jurisdiction.

Readers may recall that on Tuesday a San Cristóbal judgedeclined to issue an arrest warrant against Cuevas on the grounds that he didnot pose a flight risk.

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