Local September 16, 2014 | 3:35 pm

Medina names alleged people trafficker to consulate in Haiti

Santo Domingo.- The new consular official in Belladère, Haiti, Andrés Boció Fortuna, sworn in by president Danilo Medina in the National Palace Tuesday, linked to illegal activities, but said that he "has no tail that can be stepped on."

He said he’s a politician of long standing whose wealthy isn’t from wrongdoing, willing to be subjected to public opinion to determine who he is, adding that he has never had problems with the law.

However, outlet Acento.com reports that the diplomat was fired at the start of 2007 as consul in Belladere for allegedly issuing visas without the Foreign Ministry’s authorization, though denied by Bocio.

But speaking Tuesday on El Show del Medio Dia on Channel 9, former Antinarcotics Agency spokesman Roberto Lebron also revealed that Bocio had been charged for trafficking of people twice and for allegedly selling visas in Haiti.

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