Local November 25, 2015 | 5:05 pm

US Envoy slams Dominican Republic government corruption

Santo Domingo.- USambassador James W. Brewster on Wednesday slammed local critics who questionhis involvement in the country´s social and economic areas, and challenged themto “return their (US) visa” if they disagree.

Brewster, whose statementwill likely draw swift backlash, said every business leader he knows, whetherAmerican or Dominican, cites corruption as Dominican Republic´s biggest problem,and called it a cancer that stunts growth, mars trade and prevents correct law enforcement.

The diplomat refutednotions that his actions and statements violate Dominican sovereignty, notingthat "a few politicians have been criticizing the embassy and its peoplefor being too involved in Dominican affairs."

He said his country´sheavy investments and ties linking the United States with Dominican Republic “givesthem that right,” and urged critics "to go to the embassy and return the visa."

In his keynote speech inthe Thanksgiving luncheon of Dominican Republic´sd American Chamber of Commerce(AmchamDR), the US envoy said as a promoter of bilateral trade, he invitesbusiness leaders present to continue to consider corruption "as a problemat the highest levels of their government."

He reiterated amessage, which he affirms has stated frequently to politicians: "There isno clean money derived from dirty people," and asked them to support thepeople of their country by allying themselves only with credible and reliablepeople who share their values.

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