Local May 19, 2015 | 8:51 am

American air forces talk cooperation at Dominican resort

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.- The Dominican Air Force on Monday welcomed representatives from the air forces of 17 Latin American nations at the east region resort as part of the 55th annual PREPLAN meeting, aimed at strengthening efficiency, information sharing and mutual cooperation.

The hemisphere’s air forces which sent senior officers to the 5-day meeting at the Barcelo Bavaro Convention Center form part of the American Air Forces Cooperation System (SICOFAA), and will discuss ways to strengthen the military branch.

Dominican Air Force commander Elvis Feliz welcomed participant and called the conclave a great honor. "A great honor befalls the Dominican Air Force, to take on this responsibility as host of this hemispheric event," co-cosponsored by the US Air Force

Air Force officers from Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, United States, Mexico, Canada, Colombia and Honduras attend the event which ends Friday.

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