Local August 14, 2015 | 8:30 am

Deportation of foreigners in Dominican president´s hands

Santo Domingo.- Interiorand Police minister Jose Ramon Fadul on Thursday said the deportation offoreigners are solely in president Danilo Medina´s hands.

"Now that’s a topicthat is not in the Interior (Ministry), is always in the hands of the Presidentand Immigration (Agency), because now we´re passing all data to Immigration. We´repassing all the information gathered during the regulatory process. "

He said around 40,000ID cards have been delivered to foreigners, of the 239,800 who applied for the governmentprogram to legalize the mostly Haitian immigrants, and doesn’t include 2,700sugarcane workers, 12,000 students and 55,000 documented by the CentralElectoral Board.

He said all officesare still open and evaluate whether to work on weekends to expedite the deliveryof the IDs whose owners haven’t retrieved thus far.

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