Local January 13, 2017 | 9:38 am

Truckers: Puerto Plata road a grave danger, fix now

Santo Domingo.- The grave danger posedby the countless potholes, bumps and ditches along the Puerto Plata-Navarretehighway has prompted truckers in the region to demand immediate repairs by theGovernment.

Puerto Plata Container Truckers Union presidentLuis José Beard, demanded that Public Works stop "babbling" andimmediately repair several sections he affirms are sinking along the entireroad, which are "practically impassable."

"It seems that government officials herein Puerto Plata are turning a blind eye to the fact that various sections ofthe road have been sinking for several years, which represents an imminentdanger of death for the citizens who transit through it," Beard said.

He added that the road’s most deteriorated spanis from Maimon and Imbert townships.

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